Painted by my talented cousin, Richard Lewis. Click the picture to learn more about him.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

A View of a Dream Lover

From the brilliant web comic, "Watch Your Head," by Cory Thomas

Back in college, I once had a friend who was so desperate to make a guy she was interested in jealous (because in her mind, once he was jealous, he'd demand to begin an exclusive relationship with her on the spot), she mailed herself a romantic greeting card (complete with a handwritten declaration of love and a spray of her favorite men's fragrance), plus she had a bouquet of flowers and a box of candy delivered to her house.  The plan was to leave these items out in the open where the guy she wanted - who was in a long term relationship with another girl and only saw my friend as a booty call - would see them when he stopped by on Sweetest Day, driving him into that fit of jealousy on which she hung her hopes, and thus into her loving (and delusional) arms.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A View of Laughter

Years ago, my uncle would throw a huge New Year's Eve party - food, music, cards, dancing, party favors, family, and friends.  One particular year, the atmosphere in the house was especially festive and boisterous.  People were dancing, and it seemed like everyone was a little tipsy, even those of us who didn't have a drop of alcohol in our systems.  The long, brightly lit living room adjoining the bar was full of people determined to have fun.

Friday, September 23, 2011

A View Of Memories

(In the middle of the night, I dreamt I was as at a poetry reading delivering what was, in essence, this poem.  The words came through so clear that the dream woke me up.)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A View of I'm a Feminist

(I don't know what inspired this poem, but it came to me during a slow period at work.  It pretty much speaks for itself.)

"Men and women shall have equal rights throughout the United States and every place subject to its jurisdiction." Original draft of the Equal Rights Amendment, written by Alice Paul in 1923.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

A View of Hope Lives Now

(A reminder on this solemn day that we should all strive toward the hope of better days, greater understand, more love, and the realization of mutual respect.)

A View of An American Tale

(This is a reworking of my earlier post, "These Colors."  The woman in that poem, based on a co-worker, called out to me, and I had to make her the subject of a poem of her own.  We've all met, will all meet someone like that woman - someone who is on this soil but not of it, but no less an American than any of us.  Think about that this September 11th, and every other day of the year.)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

A View of What's Needed

"Did you ever think that love would be in need of love today?" - Stevie Wonder

As we remember the tragic events of September 11th, let's also remember to lead, to act, to rebuild with, through, and because of love.

More later, in humble remembrance.

Friday, September 9, 2011

A View of These Colors

(On the morning of September 11, 2001, I was at work, watching children play on a playground across the street from my Royal Oak office.  My mom called around 8:46 am to tell me about a plane hitting the World Trade Center.  We first thought it was the misfortune of a bad amateur pilot, but soon discovered that was not the case.  By the end of that fateful morning, the world had completely changed.  This poem is how I experienced that tragedy, and the fear that my family had lost a loved one to terror.)